Our work is guided by our mission...
A Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are fundamental principles for us here at MaGrann. We strive to support a human environment that is welcoming and supportive for both new and long-term employees from all backgrounds. We are a diverse team of 60+ employees with both race and gender diversity representation throughout the leadership, technical and implementation levels of the company. Our corporate organization includes a Diversity Coordinator and internal Diversity Advisory Council tasked with supporting DEI education, training, awareness, and engagement initiatives for our staff and in the broader community, with activities throughout the year.
But more than this, we are a mission driven enterprise with DEI woven into the fabric of who we are and what we do:​
In Our Purpose
Our purpose at MaGrann Associates is to improve the quality of living. We do this by improving the performance of the buildings that people live in. All people – irrespective of race, color, ethnicity, religion, age, gender identification or sexual orientation.
We work with a growing cohort of market rate developers who value partnering with us to help them meet advancing codes, embrace sustainability goals and push toward higher performance. But our greatest impact has come from our continued efforts to support exceptional standards of housing for low and moderate income households and disadvantaged communities. Because all people deserve a home that is safe, healthy, comfortable and affordable. We practice holistic building science principles, because applying sound building science is what drives these outcomes for everyone.

At MaGrann we are our people. And we are proud to play our part in rebalancing the representation of women and minorities in the field of engineering. We intentionally aim our recruiting efforts at candidates from underrepresented groups, and nurture new entrants through our co-op program and paid internships.
Just as importantly, we foster Diversity, Equity and Inclusion among our staff through internal initiatives that keep these important values front and center in our work life. For a small company we make a big effort. These initiatives include DEI training, support for advocacy and engagement by our employees, transparency and integrity in our business practices, and intentional partnering with minority and disadvantaged subcontractors.
In Our Team

In Our Mission
Climate change is a threat that disproportionately impacts communities of color and lower income. Daily operation of the buildings where we live and work is responsible for almost 30% of US carbon emissions annually. Together with construction and materials, buildings are responsible for nearly 40% of global CO2 emissions. All our work at MaGrann contributes in a meaningful way to reducing the climate impact of the built environment. We are leaders in deploying practical, cost-effective strategies for sustainable construction and decarbonization. And we are committed to measuring our results in terms of both carbon and communities, so that we can demonstrate the growth in our impact for both places and people.